RegO® LPG & NH3 Products 
RegO LPG products are designed, and 100% tested in the USA. Our innovative products are packed with innovations to save time and money and lower your cost of ownership. Backed by our industry-leading 10-year warranty, 25-year regulator service life, and global network of technical and sales support, RegO delivers high performance—and peace of mind.
Regulators & Accessories
First Stage Regulator
Compact First Stage Regulators
RegO LV3403TR Series:
Ideal for use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or DOT container in propane gas installations requiring up to 1,500,000 BTU’s per hour. The regulator is factory set to reduce container pressure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 psig (0.69 barg).
RegO LV3403TR9 & LV3403TR9V9 Series:
Ideal for use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or DOT container in propane gas installations requiring up to 1,500,000 BTU’s per hour. The regulator is factory set to reduce container pressure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 10 psig (0.69 barg).
First Stage Regulators
RegO LV4403SR & TR Series:
Provides accurate first stage regulation in two-stage bulk tank systems. Reduce tank pressure to an intermediate pressure of 5 to 10 PSIG. Also used to supply high pressure burners for applications like industrial furnaces or boilers. Also incorporated in multiple cylinder installations.
Acessories & Test Kits
RegO LV3403, LV404B34, LV404B39, LV404B4 LV404B9, LV5503, LV4403 Series:
RegO Brackets are especially designed for use in installing RegO Regulators in applications requiring the use of a bracket.
Adjustable Flexible Vent Kit
RegO LV960 Series:
Test Kits
RegO 2434A Series:
This kit provides the equipment necessary for checking regulator delivery pressure (low pressure) at the appliances. The basic set contains a 2424A-2 low pressure gauge and a 3 foot — 3⁄16" O.D. flexible synthetic rubber tube. Adapters are also available.
High Pressure Gauge Adapter
RegO 2962 Series:
Designed for testing high pressure lines. Adapter has 0 to 300 PSIG gauge. A bleeder valve allows you to bleed down to correct pressure during pressure tests.
High Pressure Regulator
High Pressure Industrial / Commercial Pounds-to-Pounds Regulators
RegO 1580V™ and AA1580V™ Series:
Designed to reduce LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia container pressures to between 3 and 125 PSIG. Precision-built with a multi-million BTU capacity, the 1580V™ series is perfect for such big, tough jobs as crop dryers, asphalt batch mixing plants, road building "tar wagons", heat treating and other large industrial and commercial loads. It’s also ideal as a first stage regulator in large multiple operations. The AA1580V™ series is ideal for use in anhydrous ammonia applications such as blue print machines and heat treating.
RegO 1580V™, X1580V™ and AA1580V™ Series:
RegO 597F Series:
Designed to reduce propane gas container pressure down to between 3 and 100 PSIG. Ideal for liquid or vapor service, they can be used in a variety of applications including salamander heaters, weed burning torches, fish cookers, tar pot heaters, and other industrial type services.
High Pressure / High Temperature Industrial / Commercial Pounds-to-Pounds Regulators
RegO X1584V™, X1586V™, and X1588V™ Series:
Designed to reduce LP-Gas container pressures to between 3 and 50 PSIG. Ideal for crop drying, heat treating, asphalt batch mixing and other large industrial and commercial load application utilizing high temperature LP-Gas or high temperature atmosphere under conditions up to 300ºF. Also ideal as a first stage regulator in large multiple operations.
Pigtails, Manifolds and Inlet Fittings
Copper Pigtails
RegO 912 and 913 Series:
Pigtails are available in a variety of connections, sizes and styles. Care should always be taken in selecting the proper pigtail for a particular application.
RegO 913, D912 Series:
RegO 1350R and 1450R Series:
For use in systems that require uninterrupted gas service during cylinder exchange. Especially for summer cottages, mobile homes and single appliance loads.
Inlet Fittings
RegO 970 Series:
These inlet fittings are available for assembly into either first stage of single stage regulators. All have ¼" M. NPT connections and are machined from brass
Excess Flow Valve for DOT Cylinders
RegO 3199W Series:
Designed for use on portable systems with vapor or liquid including torches, heaters, lead melting burners, tar and asphalt burners, wallpaper steamers and other applications involving portable DOT cylinders. The POL inlet attaches directly to the cylinder valve and the outlet mounts to the regulator.
Regulator Outfits
Twin Stage Regulator Outfits
RegO 5807, 5808, 5820 Series:
These outfits contain the equipment required to provide two-stage regulation.
Second Stage Regulator
Second Stage Regulators
RegO LV4403B Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure, normally 11" w.c. Ideal for medium commercial installations, multiple cylinder installations and normal domestic loads.
RegO LV4403B66RA Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure, normally 11" w.c. Ideal for medium commercial installations, vapor meter installations and normal domestic loads.
RegO LV5503B Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure,normally 11" w.c. Ideal for larger commercial and industrial applications, multiple cylinder installations and large domestic systems.
Dielectric Second Stage Regulators
RegO LV4403BD Series:
RegO’s Dielectric second stage regulators are designed to reduce first stage pressure normally 10PSIG down to burner pressure, normally 11" w.c. and are ideal for medium commercial inst
RegO LV5503BD Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure,normally 11" w.c. Ideal for larger commercial and industrial applications, multiple cylinder installations and large domestic systems.
Compact Second Stage Regulator
RegO LV3403B4 Series:
The LV3403B4 is designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5-20 PSIG down to burner pressure normally 11" w.c. Designed as a second stage regulator for smaller applications with flow requirements up to 450,000 BTU’s/hr, they are ideal for homes, mobile homes, and cottages.
RegO LV3403B66R Series:
The LV3403B66R Back Mount Regulator is designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5-10 PSIG down to burner pressure normally 11" w.c. Designed as a second stage regulator for smaller applications with flow requirements up to 450,000 BTU/hr. and are ideal for homes, mobile homes, and cottages.
RegO LV3403BR Series:
The LV3403BR Back Mount Regulator is designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5-10 PSIG down to burner pressure normally 11" w.c. Designed as a second stage regulator for smaller applications with flow requirements up to 450,000 BTU/hr. and are ideal for homes, mobile homes, and cottages.
Second Stage Regulator - 2 PSIG
Second Stage Regulators - 2 PSI Systems
RegO LV4403Y & LV5503Y Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 10 PSIG down to 2 PSIG. A line pressure regulator is required downstream to reduce the 2 PSIG to a nominal 11" w.c.
Dielectric Second Stage Regulators - 2 PSI Systems
RegO LV4403Y3D Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 10 PSIG down to 2 PSIG. A line pressure regulator is required downstream to reduce the 2 PSIG to a nominal 11" w.c.
RegO LV5503YD Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 10 PSIG down to 2 PSIG. A line pressure regulator is required downstream to reduce the 2 PSIG to a nominal 11" w.c.
Second Stage Regulator - Special Setting
Second Stage Regulators - Special Settings
RegO LV4403H Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 10 PSIG down to pressure higher than 11" water column, the actual pressure setting is specified in the table below. These regulators are designed for installations where the appliances require pressures greater than 11 inches w.c.
RegO LV5503H Series:
Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 5 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure,normally 11" w.c. Ideal for larger commercial and industrial applications, multiple cylinder installations and large domestic systems.
Low Pressure Second Stage Tobacco Barn Regulator
RegO LV5503G4 Series:
Especially developed for drying barns in the tobacco industry. The LV5503G4 regulator will supply a steady and constant flow of fuel to as many as 12 to 20 burners throughout the barn.
Single Stage Regulator
Compact Regulators
RegO 302 Series:
These compact regulators are designed for smaller outdoor grills and fish cookers. It is intended for use on small portable appliances that use 100,000 BTU’s/hr. or less. It may not be used on fixed pipe systems per NFPA 58, 1995 edition.
Twin Stage Regulator
Twin Stage Regulators
RegO LV404B4 & LV404B9 Series:
This compact two-stage regulator is designed to reduce container pressure down to 11" w.c. delivery pressure. It is ideal for "on-site" cylinder applications, mobile homes and average domestic service including small ASME and 100 to 420 pound DOT cylinders.
Compact Twin Stage Regulators
RegO LV404B34 & LV404B39 Series:
The compact twin-stage regulator is designed to reduce container pressure down to 11" w.c. delivery pressure. It is ideal for "on site" container applications such as homes, mobile homes and cottages for average domestic service; including small ASME tanks and 100-420 pound DOT cylinders.
Twin Stage Automatic Changeover Regulators
RegO 7525B Series:
These combination automatic changeover, two stage regulators are especially suitable for homes, mobile homes, cottages, construction and other portable two cylinder installations. Empty containers may be replaced without interrupting customer’s gas service.
Twin Stage Regulator - 2 PSIG
Twin Stage Regulators - 2 PSI Systems
RegO LV404Y9 & Compact LV404Y39 Series:
SPECIAL 2 PSIG DELIVERY pressure twin stage regulator is designed to reduce container pressure down to 2 PSIG. A line pressure regulator is required downstream to reduce the 2 PSIG to a nominal 11" w.c.
Containers & Cylinder Valves
Adhesive Warning Labels
RegO 901-400 & 903-400 Series:
These adhesive warning labels are intended for application as close as possible to the cylinder valve and/or service valve.
Liquid and Vapor withdrawal
"Dual" Cylinder Valve for Simultaneous Liquid and Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 8556 Series:
This dual cylinder valve was designed especially for industrial uses. It increases the cylinder’s flexibility by permitting DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity to be used interchangeably or simultaneously for either liquid or vapor withdrawal.
Liquid and/or Vapor withdrawal
Service Valves for ASME Motor Fuel Containers
RegO 901C, 9101H, & 9101Y Series:
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on ASME motor fuel containers. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
Service Valves for DOT Fork Lift Containers
RegO 9101P5 & 9101P6 Series:
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on DOT fork lift containers. Valves with 1.5 GPM closing flow are for use in small and medium size lift truck applications, while those with 2.6 GPM closing flow are for large lift trucks. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that cylinder’s capacity.
Liquid withdrawal
Cylinder Valve for Liquid Withdrawal
RegO 9107K8A Series:
Equipped with excess flow valves and liquid withdrawal tubes, they are designed for liquid withdrawal of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. They are most often used with heavy BTU loads found in industrial uses.
Propylene service
Cylinder Valve for Propylene Service
RegO 9104PT & 9104PPA Series:
Designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propylene capacity with pressure ratings such as 4B-260, 4BA-260, and 4BW-260 cylinders.
Vapor withdrawal
Cylinder Valves for Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 9103 Series:
This heavy duty cylinder valve is designed for vapor withdrawal of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. It is used in domestic hookups and industrial commercial installations.
Cylinder Valve with Outlet Check for Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 9103T9F Series:
This valve is designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. Ideal for cylinders used in the field by construction crews, utility repair men and plumbers.
Cylinder Valve for RV and Small ASME System Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 9106CO Series:
Designed especially for vapor withdrawal service in small ASME containers with surface area up to 23.8 square feet. UL flow capacity is 645 SCFM/air.
Service Valves for ASME and DOT Containers or Vapor Fuel Line Applications
RegO 901C1, 9101C, 9101D, 9101R & PT9102 Series:
Designed for vapor withdrawal service on ASME and DOT containers or in fuel line applications. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
Vent Valves
Vent Valves
RegO 3165C, 3165D, 3165S & TSS3169 Series:
Especially designed to bleed off liquid or vapor pressures trapped in transfer lines. When installed in the downstream boss of RegO globe and angle valves used at the end of a liquid transfer hose, the bleeder valve allows for the controlled venting of the product and indicates to the operator that the valves are closed and he can disconnect the coupling. They may also be used as a fixed liquid level gauge where the dip tube is part of the container.
Fixed Liquid Level Gauges
RegO 3165 Series & TA3169F Series:
Especially designed to provide a visible warning when containers are filled to the maximum permitted filling level. At the start of the filling operation, with the vent stem opened, the valve discharges vapor. When the maximum permitted filling level is reached, the valve discharges liquid. The 3165CF*, 3165CF12.0, 3165SF12.0 and TA3169F12.0 incorporate a No 54 drill orifice; the 3165DF* and 3165DF12.0 incorporate a No 72 drill orifice. They all are normally furnished with a 12" 3/16" OD dip tube.
Multivalve® Assemblies
ASME & DOT Containers
DOT & ASME Multivalves® for Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 6555R, 8555D & 8555R Series:
These Multivalves® permit vapor withdrawal. They allow for container filling without interrupting gas service.
DOT and ASME Multivalves® for Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 6532, 6533, 6542, 6543 Series & PT6542, PT6543 Series with Presto-Tap® Test Kits®:
These Multivalves® permit vapor withdrawal from ASME containers up to 50 sq. ft. surface area and DOT containers up to 420 lbs. propane capacity. They allow on-site cylinder filling without interrupting gas service.
ASME Containers
ASME Multivalves® for Vapor Withdrawal
RegO 7556R Series:
RegO 8593AL Series:
These Multivalves® provide vapor withdrawal and filling of ASME containers. A separate pressure relief valve is required in addition to this valve. The Multibonnet® assembly is standard on this valve.
RegO G8475RL Series with Presto-Tap® Test Kits PG8475, PT7556 Series:
These Multivalves® are designed for use in single opening ASME containers equipped with a 2½" M. NPT riser. They can be used with underground ASME containers up to 639 sq. ft. surface area, and above ground ASME containers up to 192 sq. ft. surface area. A separate opening is required for liquid withdrawal. The Multibonnet® assembly is standard on this valve.
DOT Cylinder
DOT Multivalve® for Liquid Withdrawal
RegO 8555DL Series:
These Multivalves® permit liquid withdrawal from DOT cylinders with up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. They eliminate unnecessary cylinder handling when servicing high volume loads and allow on-site filling into the vapor space without interrupting gas service.
Pressure Relief Valves
External "Pop-Action" Pressure Relief Valves for ASME Containers and Bulk Plant Installations
RegO AA3126, AA3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3135, AA3135, & A3149 Series:
Designed for use as a primary relief valve on ASME above ground and underground containers, bulk plant installations and skid tanks. The 3131 Series may also be used as a primary or secondary relief valve on DOT cylinders, or as a hydrostatic relief valve. All working components of these relief valves are outside the container connection, so the valves must be protected from physical damage.
External "Pop-Action" Supplementary Pressure Relief Valves for Small ASME Containers and DOT Cylinders
RegO 3127 & 3129 Series:
Designed for use as a supplementary relief valve on small ASME above ground and underground containers. They may also be used as a primary or secondary relief device on DOT cylinders, or as hydrostatic relief valves.
External Hydrostatic
External Hydrostatic Relief Valves
RegO 3125, 3127, 3129, SS8001, SS8002, SS8021 and SS8022 Series:
Designed especially for the protection of piping and shut-off valves where there is a possibility of trapping liquid LP-Gas or anhydrous ammonia. They may be installed in pipelines and hoses located
Fully Internal
"Pop-Action" Pressure Relief Valves
RegO A8434G, A8434N, A8436G, A8436N, VA8436G, VA8436N Series:
The "Pop-Action" design permits the RegO Pressure Relief Valve to open slightly to relieve moderately excessive pressure in the container. When pressure increases beyond a predetermined point, the valve is designed to "pop" open to its full discharge capacity, reducing excess pressure quickly. This is a distinct advantage over ordinary valves which open gradually over their entire range, allowing excessive pressure to develop before the relief valve is fully open. All RegO internal, semi-internal, and external relief valves incorporate this "Pop-Action" design.
Adhesive Warning Label
RegO 8545-500 Series:
The following warning information, Part Number 8545-500, is included with each shipment of pressure relief valves and relief valve manifolds to the first purchaser of the product from the factory.
Manifold Assemblies
Duoport® Pressure Relief Valve Manifolds for Small Storage Containers
RegO 8542 Series:
Designed especially for use as a primary relief device on smaller stationary storage containers, with 2" NPT threaded couplings. These manifolds allow servicing or replacement of either of the two relief valves without evacuating the container or loss of service. The operating lever selectively closes off the entrance port to the relief valve being removed while the remaining valve provides protection for the container and its contents. The rating of each manifold is based on actual flow through the manifold and a single pressure relief valve, taking friction loss into account. It is not merely the rating of the relief valve alone.
Delta Port™ Relief Valve Manifolds
RegO 8530/AA8530 Series:
Designed especially for use as a primary relief device on large stationary pressurized storage containers, the base is supplied with a two-inch NPT threaded container connection. These manifolds incorporate an additional relief valve, not included in the flow rating, allowing for servicing or replacement of any one of the relief valves without evacuating the container. The hand-wheel on the manifold selectively closes off the entrance port to the relief valve being removed while the remaining relief valves provide protection for the container and its contents. All manifold flow ratings are based on flow through the relief valves after one has been removed for service or replacement.
Multiport® Pressure Relief Valve Manifold Assemblies for Large Storage Containers
RegO A8560, A8570 & AA8570 Series:
Designed especially for use as a primary relief device on large stationary pressurized storage containers with flanged openings. These manifolds incorporate an additional relief valve, not included in the flow rating, allowing for servicing or replacement of any one of the relief valves without evacuating the container. The handwheel on the manifold selectively closes off the entrance port to the relief valve being removed while the remaining relief valves provide protection for the container and its contents. All manifold flow ratings are based on flow through the relief valves after one has been removed for service or replacement.
Fully Internal "Pop-Action" Pressure Relief Valves for Motor Fuel Containers
RegO 8543, 8544 and 8546 Series:
8543 Series relief valves are designed for use as a primary relief valve in larger ASME motor fuel containers such as on buses, RV’s, trucks and construction equipment.
Fully Internal "Pop-Action" Pressure Relief Valve for DOT Fork Lift Cylinders
RegO 8545AK Series:
Designed specifically for use as a primary relief valve on forklift cylinders, the 8545AK reduces the possibility of improper functioning of the relief mechanism due to foreign material build up. All guides, springs, stem and adjusting components are located inside the cylinder - removed from the direct exposure of foreign materials and debris from the atmosphere.
Semi-Internal "Pop-Action" Pressure Relief Valves for ASME Portable Containers
RegO 7583, 8684 7 8685 Series:
Designed for use as a primary relief valve on ASME containers such as 250, 500 and 1,000 gallon tanks. Underwriters’ Laboratories lists containers systems on which these types of valves are mounted outside the hood without additional protection, if mounted near the hood and fitted with a protective cap.
Hose End Valves & Adapters
Hose End Valve Adapters
Low Emission Hose End Safety Adapter
RegO 7193D-10L Series:
Low Emission Adapter (1.18 cc at disconnect) designed to provide quick and easy filling of DOT cylinders with POL connections with minimal release of product on disconnect. This adapter may be used with dispensing systems in conjunction with RegO 7901T Series Quick Acting Shut-Off Valve. Balanced, light weight design for filling into 20 # - 200 # cylinders.
RegO 7193U-10L Series:
Low Emission Adapter (1.18 cc at disconnect) designed to provide quick and easy filling of DOT cylinders with Type 1 connections with minimal release of product on disconnect. This adapter may be used for dispensing systems in conjunction with RegO 7901T Series Quick Acting Shut-Off Valve. Balanced, light weight design for filling into 20 # - 200 # Cylinders
Hose End Adapter for Lift Truck Cylinder Filling
RegO 7193L-10A Series:
The 7193L-10A is designed to provide quick and easy attachment of the filling hose to DOT cylinders equipped with RegO 7141M check connectors.
Hose End Adapters for DOT Cylinder Filling
RegO 7193D-10 & 7193U-10 Series:
Designed to provide quick and easy filling of DOT cylinders with POL or Type I connections. This adapter may be used with hydraulic and electric automatic systems or with manual systems in conjunction with a RegO 7901TB Quick Acting Shut-Off Valve.
Filler Hose Adapters
RegO 3179B, 7577V & 7576 Series:
These adapters are designed with minimal flow restriction and recommended for use on the outlet of the LP-Gas delivery truck filler hose. If the controlled bleed off of the connection indicates the filler valve on the tank being filled has failed to close, the hose adapter should be left in place on the filler valve and disconnection should be made at the regular filler hose coupling. (Repair of the filler valve must be made as soon as possible). An integral check valve in these adapters helps prevent further loss of product. The standard filler valve cap should be attached to these adapters when left on the container.
Connector for DOT Cylinder Filling Adapter
RegO 7193T-10 Series:
The 7193T-10 Connector is designed for use on the 7193D-10 Filling Adapters. Connector allows quick connection to the Type I 15/16" M. ACME threads for operators that fill both POL and Type I valves.
Hose End Valves
Quick-Acting Minimum Loss Hose-End Valves for Bobtail Delivery Trucks and Dispensing Stations
RegO A7793A & A7797A Series:
Designed to vastly reduce the amount of product vented when disconnecting bobtail delivery trucks, dispensing systems and anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks. These valves provide instant, full-on flow at the flip of a handle. Shut-off is instant and the handle locks for added protection. This "top of the line" hose-end valve is a fully contained unit that does not require additional filling adapters or connectors.
Quick-Acting Hose-End Valves for Bobtail Delivery Trucks and Dispensing Stations
RegO A7707L &A7708L Series:
Designed especially for safe operator handling of LP-Gas in bobtail delivery truck, dispensing systems and anhydrous ammonia nurse tank service.
New 2" ACME Low Emission Hose End Valve for Loading Bobtails and Transports
RegO A7914A Series:
The A7914A Low Emission valve is designed to reduce the amount of product vented when disconnecting bobtail and transport loading hoses. This valve provides a full-on flow when pressing the release trigger and the lifting of an easy grip handle. Lowering the handle will immediately stop flow and lock the lever in the closed position. This valve can be used with any standard 3¼" Male ACME connector, or our 6588LE and 6589LE minimum loss filler valves.
Quick-Acting Valves for Crop Driers and Charging Manifold Hoses
RegO 7554 Series:
7554S Series valves provide instant shut-off and fast opening control on LP-Gas crop driers. They are also ideal for charging manifold hoses, stationary fuel transfer hoses and other applications requiring quick, positive shut-off. They are not for use with delivery truck hoses because the handle could snag on the ground and open the valve as the hose is reeled back to the truck.
Quick-Acting Valves for Cylinder Charging Hoses
RegO 7053T and 7901T Series:
Designed primarily for use on cylinder charging hoses to provide fast, convenient shut-off and fast opening.
Quick-Acting Valves for Dispensing Hoses
RegO 7901TL Series:
Designed primarily for use on dispensing hoses to provide safe, convenient shut-off and fast opening. These valves feature a locking handle device to help prevent accidental opening of the valve.
LP-Gas Fueling Nozzle
RegO FN Series:
Designed for LP-Gas fueling stations, the FN Series LP-Gas fueling nozzle provides a fast flow rate and low emission on disconnect. The FN Series fueling nozzle only allows gas to flow when it is correctly coupled, no opening is possible when misaligned.
Globe & Angle Valves
"V"-Ring Seal Globe and Angle Valves for Bulk Storage Containers Transports Bobtails and Plant Piping
RegO A7500 Series & TA7500 Series:
Specifically designed to ensure positive shut-off and long, maintenance free service life in liquid or vapor service on bulk storage containers, transports, bobtails, cylinder filling plants and plant piping.
2" & 3" Globe/Angle valves with Built-in Automatic Back Check
RegO HA7513AP/HA7514AP &HA7517AP/HA7518AP Series:
Designed for use in conjunction with our 6588LE and 6589LE low emission filler valves installed on bobtails and transports. The valves are designed to stop flow out of the container when the hand- wheel is closed. They incorporate an automatic integral back check that is designed to allow flow back into the container to prevent liquid from becoming trapped between the 6588/89LE and the closed globe/angle valve.
Adhesive Warning Labels
RegO 903-500 Series:
The following warning information, Part Number 903-500, is included with each shipment of Quick-Acting and Tank Car Valves to the first purchaser of the product from the factory.
Flange Seal Globe and Angle Valves for Bulk Storage Containers Filling Hoses and Plant Piping
RegO 7704, 7705 & 7706 Series:
Designed to ensure positive shut-off and long maintenance-free service life in liquid or vapor service. Ideally suited for use on cylinder charging manifolds, truck filling hoses, bulk storage containers and plant piping.
Flange Seal Liquid Transfer Angle Valves for Bulk Storage Containers
RegO 7550 & 7551 Series:
Designed especially for liquid transfer of LP-Gas from consumer bulk storage containers when used with a Chek-Lok® or equipped with an integral excess flow valve. May also be used for vapor LP-Gas service.
Multipurpose valves
Combination Valve for Bulk Storage Containers
RegO A2805C Series:
Designed for installation on bulk storage containers, this valve combines a pressure gauge mounting and provision for a fixed tube liquid level gauge.
High Capacity Liquid Withdrawal Valves For NH3
RegO A8012 Series:
The A8012 Series is designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks or risers.
Multipurpose Filler Valves
RegO 8118P & 8117 Series:
Designed primarily for use as a Multipurpose valve with combination filler valve and manual shutoff valve for the outlet connection of the valve for use on LP-Gas containers.
Multipurpose Valve for Filling and Liquid Transfer of NH3 Containers
RegO A8018DP Series:
Designed primarily for use as a combination filler and liquid withdrawal valve on three-opening applicator tanks or on nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valve for Filling of NH3 Containers
RegO A8016DBC Series:
Designed specifically for use as a manual filler valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator tanks. This valve incorporates an integral back check valve.
RegO A8016DP Series:
Designed specifically for use as a manual valve or vapor equalizing valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator and nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valves for Liquid Withdrawal of LP-Gas and NH3 Containers A8017D & A8020D
RegO A8017D & A8020D Series:
Designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia containers.
Excess Flow & Check Valves
Back Check Valves
Single Check Vapor Equalizing Valves for ASME and DOT Containers with Supplementary Excess Flow Valves
RegO 7573 Series and 3183AC Series:
Designed for use with RegO Excess Flow Valves to facilitate loading operations by providing equalization of pressures in the supply and storage containers. Also may be used as a spare or replacement part. These vapor equalizing valves must never be installed directly into container couplings. They must be used with the appropriate excess flow valve to comply with NFPA Pamphlet #58.
Back Pressure Valves for Container or Line Applications
RegO 3146, 3176, A3186, A3187S, A3196 & A3276BC Series:
Designed to provide protection of a container opening when desired flow is always into the vessel. May also be used in the line applications where flow must be limited to one direction.
Swing-Away Back Pressure Check Valves for Container or Line Applications
RegO 6586D & A6586D Series:
Designed to provide protection of a container opening when desired flow is always into the vessel. May also be used in the line applications where flow must be limited to one direction.
Back Pressure Check Valves for Flanged Installation
RegO A3400L4 & A3400L6 Series:
Designed to provide high flow capacity and allow more efficient tank filling than conventional designs. The unobstructed throat area reduces flow turbulence through the valve, thereby reducing pressure drop. Large flow channels and spacious side ports ensure ample capacity for the most demanding high capacity filling operations.
3" Heavy Duty Swing Check with Flow Indicator
RegO A7624 Series:
This back check valve is designed to provide required back flow protection for the unloading riser in the bulk plant’s transfer area. It is designed specifically for pipeline installation and is suitable for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia service. Product flow moves the swing check to the open position, when flow stops the spring loaded swing check closes.
2" Heavy Duty Swing Check with Flow Indicator
RegO A7616 Series:
This back check valve is designed to provide required back flow protection for the unloading riser in the bulk plant’s transfer area. It is designed specifically for pipeline installation and is suitable for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia service. Product flow moves the swing check to the open position, when flow stops the spring loaded swing check closes.
Sight Flow Indicators for Bulk Plants
RegO A7794 & A7796 Series:
Designed to promote maximum pump efficiency, these indicators enable bulk plant operators to visually inspect liquid flow conditions. With glass on both sides of the indicator, flow can be observed from either side, even under some poor light conditions. The integral swing check also serves as a back-check valve to prevent reverse flow and product loss if the hose fails in a loading operation.
Chek-Lok® Valve
Chek-Lok® Excess Flow Valves
RegO 7590U & 7591U Series:
Chek-Lok® Excess Flow Valves are designed to provide a convenient means of withdrawing liquid from stationary containers prior to moving the container. The Chek-Lok® permits one transfer shut-off valve with an adapter to be used interchangeably on a number of tanks.
7580F-20 Liquid Evacuation Adapter for older design
RegO 7572FC & 7580FC Chek-Lok® Valve Series:
Designed specifically for use with RegO 7572FC and 7580FC Chek-Lok® Excess Flow Valves. The adapter’s operating handle opens and closes the equalizing stem in these older style Check-Lok® valves. This adapter is designed to eliminate the need for gas to flow from the Chek-Lok® when the adapter is installed or removed. A shutoff valve, such as a full port ball valve must be installed at the outlet of the 7580F-20.
Excess Flow Valves
Excess Flow Valves for Liquid or Vapor Service
RegO 1519C Series:
Designed for top mounting in storage tank manhole covers for liquid or vapor applications. The tapped inlet allows for an optional 1" NPT dip pipe connection to withdraw liquid from the top of the tank.
Rego A2137 Series & 2139 Series:
Designed especially for filling, withdrawing or vapor equalizing in half and full coupling installations. Ideal for container service where welded-in dip pipes are not provided. For vapor use, mount in the bottom opening with a threaded dip pipe. For liquid use, mount in the top opening with a threaded dip pipe. These may also be installed in pipe lines provided the connection is made to the male inlet thread and not the female dip pipe connection.
Excess Flow Valves for Liquid or Vapor Line Service
RegO 1519A Series, 1519B Series & A1519 Series:
Designed for top installation, in any position, in liquid or vapor service lines. They are intended for long lines or branch piping where tank mounted excess flow valves cannot suffice.
Excess Flow Valves for Liquid or Vapor
RegO 3272 Series, 3282 Series, 3292 Series, A3272 Series, A3282 Series, A3292 Series, 7574 and 12472 Series:
Designed for liquid or vapor use for filling, withdrawal and vapor equalizing in container or line applications. They are intended for long lines or branch piping where tank-mounted excess flow valves are inadequate.
Excess Flow Valve for Autogas Dispensing Systems
RegO 3272H Series:
Especially designed for high flow/high differential dispensing systems. Can also be used for filling, liquid withdrawal, and vapor equalizing in container or line applications.
Excess Flow Valves for Container Service
RegO A7537 Series, A7539 Series, A8523 & A8525 Series:
Designed for mounting in threaded full or half couplings in container installations. They may be used for filling, withdrawal or vapor equalizing applications. The exceptionally low pressure drop makes them ideal for pump suction lines. If a riser pipe to the vapor space is used with these valves, the minimum inside diameter of the riser pipe must be at least two times the valve thread size in order not to restrict flow to the side inlet ports.
Excess Flow Valves for Flange Mounting in Container Service
RegO A3500 Series & A4500 Series:
Designed for mounting in flanged tank connections with internal threads in the bottom of a container. They may be used in filling, withdrawal or vapor equalizing application. They provide high flow capacity with low pressure drop to minimize pump inlet line cavitation.
Excess Flow Valves for for Liquid or Vapor Service
RegO 2723C & A8013D Series:
These valves are designed for bottom mounting in consumer storage tanks for liquid service. They may also be top mounted for vapor service. These valves are designed especially for use with RegO globe and angle valves.
Excess Flow Valve for Pressure Gauges
RegO 2884D Series:
Designed for container use in pressure gauge installations to minimize excess gas discharge in the event the pressure gauge is sheared. A suitable shut-off valve should be installed between this valve and the pressure gauge to allow convenient gauge
Adhesive Warning Labels
RegO 903-500 and 7572-400 Series:
The following warning information, Part Number 903-500, is included with each shipment of Excess Flow, Check, Filler and Vapor Equalizing Valves to the first purchaser of the product from the factory.
Filler Valves
Combination Filler and Overfill Protection Device (OPD) Low Emissions
RegO SF7647V Series:
This combined filler valve and overfill protection device is designed to provide fast filling and protection against overfilling of Vertical above ground small bulk type containers. The SF7647V Series offers good fill rates and an overfill prevention device that will stop* the flow of product into the container when the liquid level reaches 80-83% of its capacity.
Combination Low Emission Filler and Overfill Protection Device (OPD)
RegO SFL7579V Series:
The SFL7579V Series filler valve is for use on ASME containers. This combined filler valve and overfill protection device is designed to provide fast filling and protection against overfilling of vertical and horizontal above ground LPG containers. This is typically installed in the top of horizontal containers.
Double Check Filler Valves for Delivery Truck Tanks and Large Storage Containers
RegO 7579S Series, 6587EC Series & 3197C Series:
Designed to provide fast filling of bobtails, transports and large bulk storage tanks.
Double Check Low Emission Filler Valves for Forklift and DOT Containers
RegO 7647 Series:
Designed to provide fast filling of forklift, motor fuel, and recreational vehicle tanks.
Low Emission ACME Connector For Transports and Bobtails
RegO 6588LE & 6589LE Series:
Designed to provide fast filling of bobtails, transports and large bulk storage tanks while providing for low emission of LPG when disconnecting.
New Low Emission Filler Valve with Manual Shutoff Feature
RegO 7501L & 7502L Series:
RegO Manual Double-Back Check filler valves that incorporate a resilient upper check and a manual shutoff feature. When filling a container from a delivery truck, this valve will allow flow into the container through the upper and lower check, when the manual lever is in the open position. When flow stops both the upper and lower checks will close; the lever is then turned to the closed position, the hose-end valve can then be removed from the filler valve.
Single Check Filler Valves for Storage Tanks with Supplementary Back Check Valves
RegO 3174C Series, 3194C Series & 6584C Series:
Designed for use with RegO Back Check Valves to provide fast filling of bulk storage tanks. Also may be used as a spare or replacement part.
Vapor Equalizing Valve
Double Check Vapor Equalizing Valves for ASME and DOT Containers
RegO 7573 Series & 3183AC Series:
Designed to facilitate loading operations by providing equalization of pressures in the supply and storage containers. The supplementary excess flow valve closes when the flow from the container being filled exceeds a predetermined rate.
Vapor Equalizing Adapter for 1-1/4" ACME Vapor Equalizing Valves
RegO 7573-20 Series:
The 7573-20 is designed for use with RegO Multivalves® that utilize a vapor equalizing port and 7573 series vapor equalizing valves. The adapter’s operating handle opens and closes the upper check stem in the vapor equalizing valve after the ACME connection is completely made up.
Internal Valves & Accessories
Internal valve Accessories
Remote Thermal Release for DOT MC331 Pressure Vessel
RegO A3219RT Series:
Designed especially for use with Internal Valves installed in DOT MC331 pressure vessels. The A3219RT provides a remote means of mechanical closure along with thermal protection, as required by DOT MC331.
Remote Cable Controls for Internal Valves
RegO 3200C & 3200L Series:
The 3200C Remote Cable Kit is designed especially for use with the 3200L Remote Operating Lever to operate internal valves from a remote location.
Internal valve flanged
3" Flanged Internal Valves for Bobtail Delivery Trucks Transports and Large Stationary Storage Containers
RegO A3217A & A3217DA series:
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia filling and/or withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and stationary storage tanks with flanged pumps or piping. Installation is quick and easy, and the valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically. Lever available on right or left side to allow for installation without the use of an extra pulley.
3" Flanged Internal Valves for Bobtail Delivery Trucks Transports and Large Stationary Storage Tanks
RegO A3217ARPA & A3217ALPA Series:
These Pneumatic Actuators are designed specifically for use with the A3217 Series 3" Internal Valves. The diaphragm design provides a convenient means of opening and closing the valve from a remote location, using either air or nitrogen.
4" Flanged Internal Valve for Transports and Large Stationary Storage Tanks
RegO A3219 Series:
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia service on MC331 transport pressure vessels and large stationary storage tanks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in most existing tank flanges. The valve may be actuated manually or pneumatically.
4" Flanged Internal Valves for Transports and Large Stationary Storage Tanks
RegO A3219FPA Series:
The A3219FPA Pneumatic Actuator is designed especially for use with the A3219FA Series Flanged Internal Valves. The diaphragm type A3219FPA provides a convenient means of opening and closing the valve from a remote location, using either air or nitrogen, on LP-Gas and NH3 transport trailers and stationary tanks.
Internal valve Flomatic®
Flomatic® Internal Valves for Bobtail Delivery Trucks Transports and Large Stationary Storage Tanks
RegO A7883FK Series:
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia liquid withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and large stationary storage containers with flanged connections. The valve is fully automatic, opening and closing as the pump is turned on or off.
¼" Three-Way Quick-Acting Valve
RegO A7853A Series:
Electrically Actuated 3 way valve
RegO EA7853A Series:
The EA7853A 3-way quick acting valve controls the fluid exchange between three separate transfer lines. For better control, the 3-way valve is paired with an electric actuator which provides a safe, easy way to open and close the valve from a remote location.
Internal valve threaded
1¼" Threaded Internal Valve for Small Capacity Pumping Systems and Bobtail Vapor Equalization
RegO A3209D & A3209DT Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia as a main valve on small capacity pumping systems, NH3 nurse tanks and in-line installations. It may also be installed in the vapor equalizing opening on bobtail delivery trucks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in both full and half couplings, as well as, in-line applications. The valve may be actuated manually by hand or cable.
1¼" Threaded Internal Valve with Electric Actuator for Small Capacity Pumping Systems and Bobtail Vapor Equalization
RegO EA3209E Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia as a main valve on small capacity pumping systems, NH3 nurse tanks and in-line installations. It may also be installed in the vapor equalizing opening on bobtail delivery trucks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in both full and half couplings, as well as, in-line applications.
Straight Through 1½" Internal Valve with Electric Actuator
RegO EA3211D Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia as a main valve on pumping systems, and in-line installations. Installation is quick and easy and it fits in both full and half couplings, as well as, in-line applications.
Threaded Internal Valves For Bobtail Delivery Trucks Transports and Stationary Storage Tanks
RegO A3212 Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. T
RegO A3213D Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. The valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically.
Threaded Internal Valves with Electric Actuator For Bobtail Delivery Trucks Transports and Stationary Storage Tanks
RegO EA3212 Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations.
RegO EA3213D Series:
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations.
ACME & POL Adapters
ACME Adapter
Extended Type Hose Couplings for Vapor and Liquid Service
RegO A7571 & A7575 Series:
Designed especially for liquid filling and vapor equalization of LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia. The limited travel of the handle on the tailpiece minimizes spin-off, encouraging cautious removal to properly bleed off trapped product to ensure closure of the filler valve and hose end valve. The ACME threads are machined on a rugged steel insert which is permanently cast in the aluminum handle, providing for durability under repeated use.
Short Type Hose Couplings for Vapor and Liquid Service
RegO 3171, 3175, 3181, 3185 & 3195 Series:
ACME Check Connectors for Lift Trucks
RegO 7141F & 7141M Series:
These brass connectors are especially designed to join the carburetor fuel line to the service valve on lift truck cylinders. Sturdy, long lasting ACME threads allow quick, hand-tight assembly that provides for quick and simple cylinder replacement. Back checks automatically close in each connector when disconnected.
Left Hand Thread ACME Connectors for Vapor Withdrawal Industrial Cylinders
RegO 7142LF & 7142LM Series:
These brass connectors are especially designed to join the carburetor vapor fuel line to the service valve on industrial cylinders especially designed for and used on propane fueled lawn mowers. Sturdy long lasting ACME left hand threads provides for quick hand tight assembly that provides for quick and simple cylinder replacement.
ACME Plugs
ACME Plugs:
Specifically designed to withstand the everyday abuse given to hose end valves on delivery trucks and hose end couplings on risers in bulk plants, these rugged plugs protect the coupling tip as well as prevent the entrance of dirt, dust, snow and rain. They also prevent possible gas contamination from these same sources. The heavily ribbed outer surface permits hand-tight make-up.
Reducers and ACME Adapters
RegO 5774, 5776, 5778, 5764, 5766, 5768 Acme Series:
3¼" M.ACME X 2" M.NPT Adapter with Vent Valve & Integral Screen
RegO 5769HVB Series:
Designed to prevent debris from impeding the action of valves and components of LPG piping systems at bulk plants and industrial
POL Adapters
Rotogage® Assembly
1" Rotogage® Assembly® for Large Mobile and Stationary Containers
RegO A9090 Series:
Rotogage® Assembly® are designed to provide an accurate determination of LP-Gas or anhydrous ammonia container contents. They mount in a standard 1" NPT coupling on large mobile or stationary containers.
¾" Rotogage® Assembly® for Small Stationary and Mobile LP-Gas Containers
RegO 2070 Series:
Rotogage® Assembly® are designed to provide accurate determination of LP-Gas container contents. They may be end or side mounted in a standard ¾" NPT coupling on stationary or mobile containers. To guarantee accurate measurement, they should not be used on stationary containers that exceed 60" I.D. or on mobile containers, subject to vibration, with an I.D. of more than 24".
Pull-Away Valves
Pull-Away Valves for Transfer Operations
RegO A2141 Series:
Designed especially to provide pull-away protection for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia transfer operations including transport and delivery truck loading and unloading, engine fuel container filling and miscellaneous cylinder filling operations. When properly fastened to the inlet end of the discharge hose, the valve is designed to stop gas escape from both upstream and downstream lines in the event of a pull-away. An excessive tension pull causes the valve to automatically separate, closing two internal back pressure checks. Only a few cubic centimeters of gas escape at the instant of separation.
Emergency Shut-off Valves
ESV Pneumatic Controls
RegO ESV Pneumatic Controls:
RegO Emergency Shut-Off Valves modified for remote pneumatic shutdown operation retain all the operating features of the standard valves.
Flanged ESVs for Bulk Plants
RegO FA6010, FA6016 & FA6024 Series:
Designed for installation in liquid transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
Flanged ESVs for Bulk Plants with Electric Actuator
RegO EFA6010, EFA6016 & EFA6024 Series:
Designed for installation in liquid transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
2" & 3" Swing-Check ESVs for Bulk Plants
RegO A6016 Series & A6024 Series:
Designed for installation in liquid transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
1¼" Swing-Check ESV for Bulk Plants
RegO VA6010 & A6010 Series:
Designed for installation in liquid or vapor transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
Swing-Check ESVs for Bulk Plants with Electric Actuator
RegO EA6010, EA6016 & EA6024 Series:
Designed for installation in liquid transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
Presto-Tap® Test kits
2-PSI system Pressure
2 psi Pressure Testing Products
RegO PT5-90 Series:
5 psi liquid glycerin filled ambient temperature gauge w/bleeder valve, w/bleeder valve and 90° quick adapter. Available with straight quick adapter. Sold with belt loop holster
RegO PT5-BH90 Series:
5 psi liquid glycerin filled ambient temperature gauge w/bleeder valve, 12" flex hose, and 90° quick adapter
RegO PT5-BHX Series:
5 psi liquid glycerin filled ambient temperature gauge w/bleeder valve, straight quick adapter & 36" flex hose w/magnet
RegO PT5-KGA Series:
5 psi liquid glycerin filled ambient temperature gauge w/1/4″ FPT x 1/4″ M flare access & 1/4″ flare cap w/retainer strap, & magnet
Container pressure
Leak Detection System
RegO PT6800-BHX Series:
Designed to be carried by drivers and service personnel to perform NFPA leak testing at tank pressure. Utilized for leak testing at tank pressure locations where a
PRESTOTAP® LDS (Leak Detection System) products have been permanently installed - especially helpful for testing at underground tank installations.
High Pressure Gauge Products & Accessories
RegO PT6800-BH90, Series:
300# Gauge is used to obtain pressure readings and perform leak tests at tank pressure locations prior to 1st stage
regulators such as Presto-Tap® Test Kits pigtails and RegO "Ready To Go Valves"
RegO PT6800-KGA Series:
300# Gauge is used to obtain pressure readings and perform leak tests at tank pressure locations prior to 1st stage
regulators such as Presto-Tap® Test Kits pigtails and RegO "Ready To Go Valves"
RegO PT6800-B90 Series:
300# Gauge is used to obtain pressure readings and perform leak tests at tank pressure locations prior to 1st stage
regulators such as Presto-Tap® Test Kits pigtails and RegO "Ready To Go Valves"
First Stage Pressure
Leak Detection System
RegO PT30LP-BHX Series:
Designed to perform low pressure leak test and check
installed into propane systems downstream of second stage regulators
Low Pressure Gauge Products & Accessories
RegO PT30LP-90 Series:
30# Gauge is used to perform leak tests downstream of 1st stage regulators by connecting quick adapters to PrestoTap LDS2000RV installed in 1st & 2nd stage regulator taps accessing 1st stage pressure
RegO PT30LP-BH90 Series:
30# Gauge is used to perform leak tests downstream of 1st stage regulators by connecting quick adapters to PrestoTap LDS2000RV installed in 1st & 2nd stage regulator taps accessing 1st stage pressure
RegO PT30LP-KGA Series:
30# Gauge is used to perform leak tests downstream of 1st stage regulators by connecting quick adapters to PrestoTap LDS2000RV installed in 1st & 2nd stage regulator taps accessing 1st stage pressure
Pressure Fittings
RegO LDS Series:
The patented Presto-Tap® Test Kits LDS2000RV is designed to obtain pressure readings and perform system leak testing using
tank pressure without ever breaking the system. Meets NFPA 54 & 58 requirements regarding excess flow. Compatible
with all Presto-Tap® Test Kits® gauge products when used at correct locations.
Tank Pressure Fitting
RegO TPF Series:
Low cost, permanently installed fitting between tank service valve and first stage regulator providing leak test capability without the use of tools. Eliminates the need to discard pigtail to access tank pressure.
Line Pressure
11" Water Column Pressure Testing Products
RegO PT0Z-KGA Series:
30# Gauge is used to perform leak tests downstream of 1st stage regulators by connecting quick adapters to PrestoTap LDS2000RV installed in 1st & 2nd stage regulator taps accessing 1st stage pressure
RegO PTOZ-90 Series:
30# Gauge is used to perform leak tests downstream of 1st stage regulators by connecting quick adapters to PrestoTap LDS2000RV installed in 1st & 2nd stage regulator taps accessing 1st stage pressure
RegO PTOZ-BH90 Series:
30# Gauge is used to perform leak tests downstream of 1st stage regulators by connecting quick adapters to PrestoTap LDS2000RV installed in 1st & 2nd stage regulator taps accessing 1st stage pressure
RegO PTOZ-BHX Series:
Designed to perform low pressure leak test and check
installed into propane systems downstream of second stage regulators.
RegO PT912 Series:
Pigtails are available in a variety of sizes and styles. Care should always be taken in selecting the proper pigtail for a particular application.
Miscellaneous Equipment
Gritrol Fuel Line Filters
RegO 12802 Series:
Designed especially for use in liquid motor fuel lines to trap foreign material which otherwise may damage precision components in the LP-Gas carburetion system. These filters incorporate an integral sintered metal filter element in a straight through design.
Grounding Stud
RegO 7172 & 7173 Series:
Designed to help prevent static electricity from being generated during the filling process. Used in conjunction with a grounding clamp assembly at a bulk tank facility.
Hydraulic Automatic Cylinder Filling System
RegO 7194MD & 7194HD Series:
Designed to provide accurate, economical filling of LP-Gas, DOT and fork lift cylinders by weight. Filling stops automatically as the total weight of the cylinder reaches the amount pre-set on the scale. One individual can efficiently handle up to four cylinder filling operations simultaneously to maximize profits, increase efficiency and allow servicing of more customers.
Needle Valves
RegO 1224, 1316 & 1318 Series:
These valves are high quality, "true’’ throttling valves. Unlike most so-called needle valves, both the body seat and stem are tapered to provide fine, precise control over a wide range of adjustment without stem galling.
Pressure Gauges
RegO 612PG, 5575 Series:
Especially designed in a variety of sizes and construction for the LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia industry.
Spanner Wrench for ACME Connectors
RegO 3195-50 Series:
This aluminum spanner wrench is especially designed for use with 2¼" and 3¼" ACME couplings, adapters and caps.
Choose your Repair Kit Category:
Containers & Cylinder Valves
LabelsRegO 901-400 & 903-400 Series
These adhesive warning labels are intended for application as close as possible to the cylinder valve and/or service valve.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 903-50, 903-51
Liquid and Vapor withdrawalRegO 8556 Series
This dual cylinder valve was designed especially for industrial uses. It increases the cylinder’s flexibility by permitting DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity to be used interchangeably or simultaneously for either liquid or vapor withdrawal.
Liquid and/or Vapor withdrawalRegO 901C, 9101H, & 9101Y Series
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on ASME motor fuel containers. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19101-50, 19104-50, 19104-80
RegO 9101P5 & 9101P6 Series
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on DOT fork lift containers. Valves with 1.5 GPM closing flow are for use in small and medium size lift truck applications, while those with 2.6 GPM closing flow are for large lift trucks. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that cylinder’s capacity.
Propylene serviceRegO 9104PT & 9104PPA Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propylene capacity with pressure ratings such as 4B-260, 4BA-260, and 4BW-260 cylinders.
Vapor withdrawalRegO 9106CO Series
Designed especially for vapor withdrawal service in small ASME containers with surface area up to 23.8 square feet. UL flow capacity is 645 SCFM/air.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 903-50, 903-51
RegO 9103T9F Series
This valve is designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. Ideal for cylinders used in the field by construction crews, utility repair men and plumbers.
RegO 9103 Series
This heavy duty cylinder valve is designed for vapor withdrawal of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. It is used in domestic hookups and industrial commercial installations.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-50
RegO 901C1, 9101C, 9101D, 9101R & PT9102 Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal service on ASME and DOT containers or in fuel line applications. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-80, 19101-50
RegO 901-400 & 903-400 Series
These adhesive warning labels are intended for application as close as possible to the cylinder valve and/or service valve.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 903-50, 903-51
RegO 8556 Series
This dual cylinder valve was designed especially for industrial uses. It increases the cylinder’s flexibility by permitting DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity to be used interchangeably or simultaneously for either liquid or vapor withdrawal.
Liquid and/or Vapor withdrawalRegO 901C, 9101H, & 9101Y Series
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on ASME motor fuel containers. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19101-50, 19104-50, 19104-80
RegO 9101P5 & 9101P6 Series
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on DOT fork lift containers. Valves with 1.5 GPM closing flow are for use in small and medium size lift truck applications, while those with 2.6 GPM closing flow are for large lift trucks. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that cylinder’s capacity.
Propylene serviceRegO 9104PT & 9104PPA Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propylene capacity with pressure ratings such as 4B-260, 4BA-260, and 4BW-260 cylinders.
Vapor withdrawalRegO 9106CO Series
Designed especially for vapor withdrawal service in small ASME containers with surface area up to 23.8 square feet. UL flow capacity is 645 SCFM/air.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 903-50, 903-51
RegO 9103T9F Series
This valve is designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. Ideal for cylinders used in the field by construction crews, utility repair men and plumbers.
RegO 9103 Series
This heavy duty cylinder valve is designed for vapor withdrawal of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. It is used in domestic hookups and industrial commercial installations.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-50
RegO 901C1, 9101C, 9101D, 9101R & PT9102 Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal service on ASME and DOT containers or in fuel line applications. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-80, 19101-50
RegO 901C, 9101H, & 9101Y Series
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on ASME motor fuel containers. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19101-50, 19104-50, 19104-80
RegO 9101P5 & 9101P6 Series
Designed specifically for vapor or liquid withdrawal service on DOT fork lift containers. Valves with 1.5 GPM closing flow are for use in small and medium size lift truck applications, while those with 2.6 GPM closing flow are for large lift trucks. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that cylinder’s capacity.
RegO 9104PT & 9104PPA Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propylene capacity with pressure ratings such as 4B-260, 4BA-260, and 4BW-260 cylinders.
Vapor withdrawalRegO 9106CO Series
Designed especially for vapor withdrawal service in small ASME containers with surface area up to 23.8 square feet. UL flow capacity is 645 SCFM/air.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 903-50, 903-51
RegO 9103T9F Series
This valve is designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. Ideal for cylinders used in the field by construction crews, utility repair men and plumbers.
RegO 9103 Series
This heavy duty cylinder valve is designed for vapor withdrawal of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. It is used in domestic hookups and industrial commercial installations.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-50
RegO 901C1, 9101C, 9101D, 9101R & PT9102 Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal service on ASME and DOT containers or in fuel line applications. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-80, 19101-50
RegO 9106CO Series
Designed especially for vapor withdrawal service in small ASME containers with surface area up to 23.8 square feet. UL flow capacity is 645 SCFM/air.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 903-50, 903-51
RegO 9103T9F Series
This valve is designed for vapor withdrawal from and protection of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. Ideal for cylinders used in the field by construction crews, utility repair men and plumbers.
RegO 9103 Series
This heavy duty cylinder valve is designed for vapor withdrawal of DOT cylinders up to 100 lbs. propane capacity. It is used in domestic hookups and industrial commercial installations.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-50
RegO 901C1, 9101C, 9101D, 9101R & PT9102 Series
Designed for vapor withdrawal service on ASME and DOT containers or in fuel line applications. Since none of these valves have an integral pressure relief valve, they may only be used as an accessory valve on containers that have an independent pressure relief valve sufficient for that container’s capacity.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 19100-50B, 19104-80, 19101-50
Multivalve® Assemblies
ASME & DOT ContainersRegO 6555R, 8555D & 8555R Series
These Multivalves® permit vapor withdrawal. They allow for container filling without interrupting gas service.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 8555-50, 8555-80, 19104-50
RegO 6532, 6533, 6542, 6543 Series & PT6542, PT6543 Series with Presto-Tap® Test Kits®
These Multivalves® permit vapor withdrawal from ASME containers up to 50 sq. ft. surface area and DOT containers up to 420 lbs. propane capacity. They allow on-site cylinder filling without interrupting gas service.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 6542B-50, 6542B-80, 19104-80, 19100-50B
ASME ContainersRegO 7556R Series
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 19100-50B, 8475-51A, 8475-81A
RegO 8593AL Series
These Multivalves® provide vapor withdrawal and filling of ASME containers. A separate pressure relief valve is required in addition to this valve. The Multibonnet® assembly is standard on this valve.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 8475L-50, 8475L-80, 8475L-50L, 8475-51A, 8475-81A
RegO G8475RL Series with Presto-Tap® Test Kits PG8475, PT7556 Series
These Multivalves® are designed for use in single opening ASME containers equipped with a 2½" M. NPT riser. They can be used with underground ASME containers up to 639 sq. ft. surface area, and above ground ASME containers up to 192 sq. ft. surface area. A separate opening is required for liquid withdrawal. The Multibonnet® assembly is standard on this valve.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 8475L-50, 8475L-80, 8475L-50L, 8475-51A, 3165C, 8475-81A
RegO 6555R, 8555D & 8555R Series
These Multivalves® permit vapor withdrawal. They allow for container filling without interrupting gas service.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 8555-50, 8555-80, 19104-50
RegO 6532, 6533, 6542, 6543 Series & PT6542, PT6543 Series with Presto-Tap® Test Kits®
These Multivalves® permit vapor withdrawal from ASME containers up to 50 sq. ft. surface area and DOT containers up to 420 lbs. propane capacity. They allow on-site cylinder filling without interrupting gas service.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19100-50B, 19104-50, 6542B-50, 6542B-80, 19104-80, 19100-50B
RegO 7556R Series
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 19100-50B, 8475-51A, 8475-81A
RegO 8593AL Series
These Multivalves® provide vapor withdrawal and filling of ASME containers. A separate pressure relief valve is required in addition to this valve. The Multibonnet® assembly is standard on this valve.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 8475L-50, 8475L-80, 8475L-50L, 8475-51A, 8475-81A
RegO G8475RL Series with Presto-Tap® Test Kits PG8475, PT7556 Series
These Multivalves® are designed for use in single opening ASME containers equipped with a 2½" M. NPT riser. They can be used with underground ASME containers up to 639 sq. ft. surface area, and above ground ASME containers up to 192 sq. ft. surface area. A separate opening is required for liquid withdrawal. The Multibonnet® assembly is standard on this valve.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 19104-50, 19104-80, 8475L-50, 8475L-80, 8475L-50L, 8475-51A, 3165C, 8475-81A
Pressure Relief Valves
Manifold AssembliesRegO A8560, A8570 & AA8570 Series
Designed especially for use as a primary relief device on large stationary pressurized storage containers with flanged openings. These manifolds incorporate an additional relief valve, not included in the flow rating, allowing for servicing or replacement of any one of the relief valves without evacuating the container. The handwheel on the manifold selectively closes off the entrance port to the relief valve being removed while the remaining relief valves provide protection for the container and its contents. All manifold flow ratings are based on flow through the relief valves after one has been removed for service or replacement.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 8560-50, 8560-50
RegO A8560, A8570 & AA8570 Series
Designed especially for use as a primary relief device on large stationary pressurized storage containers with flanged openings. These manifolds incorporate an additional relief valve, not included in the flow rating, allowing for servicing or replacement of any one of the relief valves without evacuating the container. The handwheel on the manifold selectively closes off the entrance port to the relief valve being removed while the remaining relief valves provide protection for the container and its contents. All manifold flow ratings are based on flow through the relief valves after one has been removed for service or replacement.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 8560-50, 8560-50
Hose End Valves & Adapters
Hose End ValvesRegO A7707L &A7708L Series
Designed especially for safe operator handling of LP-Gas in bobtail delivery truck, dispensing systems and anhydrous ammonia nurse tank service.
RegO A7793A & A7797A Series
Designed to vastly reduce the amount of product vented when disconnecting bobtail delivery trucks, dispensing systems and anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks. These valves provide instant, full-on flow at the flip of a handle. Shut-off is instant and the handle locks for added protection. This "top of the line" hose-end valve is a fully contained unit that does not require additional filling adapters or connectors.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A7797A-4, A7797A-5, A7797-50, A7797A-75
RegO A7707L &A7708L Series
Designed especially for safe operator handling of LP-Gas in bobtail delivery truck, dispensing systems and anhydrous ammonia nurse tank service.
RegO A7793A & A7797A Series
Designed to vastly reduce the amount of product vented when disconnecting bobtail delivery trucks, dispensing systems and anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks. These valves provide instant, full-on flow at the flip of a handle. Shut-off is instant and the handle locks for added protection. This "top of the line" hose-end valve is a fully contained unit that does not require additional filling adapters or connectors.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A7797A-4, A7797A-5, A7797-50, A7797A-75
Globe & Angle Valves
Flange Seal Globe and Angle Valves for Bulk Storage Containers Filling Hoses and Plant PipingRegO 7704, 7705 & 7706 Series
Designed to ensure positive shut-off and long maintenance-free service life in liquid or vapor service. Ideally suited for use on cylinder charging manifolds, truck filling hoses, bulk storage containers and plant piping.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 7554-21, 7554-20, A7705-50
Flange Seal Liquid Transfer Angle Valves for Bulk Storage ContainersRegO 7550 & 7551 Series
Designed especially for liquid transfer of LP-Gas from consumer bulk storage containers when used with a Chek-Lok® or equipped with an integral excess flow valve. May also be used for vapor LP-Gas service.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 7550-15, A7550-15
RegO 7704, 7705 & 7706 Series
Designed to ensure positive shut-off and long maintenance-free service life in liquid or vapor service. Ideally suited for use on cylinder charging manifolds, truck filling hoses, bulk storage containers and plant piping.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 7554-21, 7554-20, A7705-50
RegO 7550 & 7551 Series
Designed especially for liquid transfer of LP-Gas from consumer bulk storage containers when used with a Chek-Lok® or equipped with an integral excess flow valve. May also be used for vapor LP-Gas service.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): 7550-15, A7550-15
Multipurpose valves
High Capacity Liquid Withdrawal Valves For NH3RegO A8012 Series
The A8012 Series is designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks or risers.
Multipurpose Filler ValvesRegO 8118P & 8117 Series
Designed primarily for use as a Multipurpose valve with combination filler valve and manual shutoff valve for the outlet connection of the valve for use on LP-Gas containers.
Multipurpose Valve for Filling and Liquid Transfer of NH3 ContainersRegO A8018DP Series
Designed primarily for use as a combination filler and liquid withdrawal valve on three-opening applicator tanks or on nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valve for Filling of NH3 ContainersRegO A8016DBC Series
Designed specifically for use as a manual filler valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator tanks. This valve incorporates an integral back check valve.
RegO A8016DP Series
Designed specifically for use as a manual valve or vapor equalizing valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator and nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valves for Liquid Withdrawal of LP-Gas and NH3 Containers A8017D & A8020DRegO A8017D & A8020D Series
Designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia containers.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A8016B-50, A8017BH-20R, A8016B-20, A7507A-20, 7554-21, 7507A-21
RegO A8012 Series
The A8012 Series is designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on anhydrous ammonia nurse tanks or risers.
RegO 8118P & 8117 Series
Designed primarily for use as a Multipurpose valve with combination filler valve and manual shutoff valve for the outlet connection of the valve for use on LP-Gas containers.
Multipurpose Valve for Filling and Liquid Transfer of NH3 ContainersRegO A8018DP Series
Designed primarily for use as a combination filler and liquid withdrawal valve on three-opening applicator tanks or on nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valve for Filling of NH3 ContainersRegO A8016DBC Series
Designed specifically for use as a manual filler valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator tanks. This valve incorporates an integral back check valve.
RegO A8016DP Series
Designed specifically for use as a manual valve or vapor equalizing valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator and nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valves for Liquid Withdrawal of LP-Gas and NH3 Containers A8017D & A8020DRegO A8017D & A8020D Series
Designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia containers.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A8016B-50, A8017BH-20R, A8016B-20, A7507A-20, 7554-21, 7507A-21
RegO A8018DP Series
Designed primarily for use as a combination filler and liquid withdrawal valve on three-opening applicator tanks or on nurse tanks.
RegO A8016DBC Series
Designed specifically for use as a manual filler valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator tanks. This valve incorporates an integral back check valve.
RegO A8016DP Series
Designed specifically for use as a manual valve or vapor equalizing valve on anhydrous ammonia applicator and nurse tanks.
Multipurpose Valves for Liquid Withdrawal of LP-Gas and NH3 Containers A8017D & A8020DRegO A8017D & A8020D Series
Designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia containers.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A8016B-50, A8017BH-20R, A8016B-20, A7507A-20, 7554-21, 7507A-21
RegO A8017D & A8020D Series
Designed especially for use as a high capacity liquid withdrawal valve on LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia containers.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A8016B-50, A8017BH-20R, A8016B-20, A7507A-20, 7554-21, 7507A-21
Filler Valves
Combination Filler and Overfill Protection Device (OPD) Low EmissionsRegO SF7647V Series
This combined filler valve and overfill protection device is designed to provide fast filling and protection against overfilling of Vertical above ground small bulk type containers. The SF7647V Series offers good fill rates and an overfill prevention device that will stop* the flow of product into the container when the liquid level reaches 80-83% of its capacity.
Combination Low Emission Filler and Overfill Protection Device (OPD)RegO SFL7579V Series
The SFL7579V Series filler valve is for use on ASME containers. This combined filler valve and overfill protection device is designed to provide fast filling and protection against overfilling of vertical and horizontal above ground LPG containers. This is typically installed in the top of horizontal containers.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): SFL7579-50L, SFL7579-51, SFL7579-52
Double Check Filler Valves for Delivery Truck Tanks and Large Storage ContainersRegO 7579S Series, 6587EC Series & 3197C Series
Designed to provide fast filling of bobtails, transports and large bulk storage tanks.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): SFL7579-50L, SFL7579-51, SFL7579-52
Double Check Low Emission Filler Valves for Forklift and DOT ContainersRegO 7647 Series
Designed to provide fast filling of forklift, motor fuel, and recreational vehicle tanks.
RegO SF7647V Series
This combined filler valve and overfill protection device is designed to provide fast filling and protection against overfilling of Vertical above ground small bulk type containers. The SF7647V Series offers good fill rates and an overfill prevention device that will stop* the flow of product into the container when the liquid level reaches 80-83% of its capacity.
RegO SFL7579V Series
The SFL7579V Series filler valve is for use on ASME containers. This combined filler valve and overfill protection device is designed to provide fast filling and protection against overfilling of vertical and horizontal above ground LPG containers. This is typically installed in the top of horizontal containers.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): SFL7579-50L, SFL7579-51, SFL7579-52
Double Check Filler Valves for Delivery Truck Tanks and Large Storage ContainersRegO 7579S Series, 6587EC Series & 3197C Series
Designed to provide fast filling of bobtails, transports and large bulk storage tanks.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): SFL7579-50L, SFL7579-51, SFL7579-52
Double Check Low Emission Filler Valves for Forklift and DOT ContainersRegO 7647 Series
Designed to provide fast filling of forklift, motor fuel, and recreational vehicle tanks.
RegO 7579S Series, 6587EC Series & 3197C Series
Designed to provide fast filling of bobtails, transports and large bulk storage tanks.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): SFL7579-50L, SFL7579-51, SFL7579-52
RegO 7647 Series
Designed to provide fast filling of forklift, motor fuel, and recreational vehicle tanks.
Vapor Equalizing Valve
Double Check Vapor Equalizing Valves for ASME and DOT ContainersRegO 7573 Series & 3183AC Series
Designed to facilitate loading operations by providing equalization of pressures in the supply and storage containers. The supplementary excess flow valve closes when the flow from the container being filled exceeds a predetermined rate.
RegO 7573 Series & 3183AC Series
Designed to facilitate loading operations by providing equalization of pressures in the supply and storage containers. The supplementary excess flow valve closes when the flow from the container being filled exceeds a predetermined rate.
Internal Valves & Accessories
Internal valve AccessoriesRegO A3219RT Series
Designed especially for use with Internal Valves installed in DOT MC331 pressure vessels. The A3219RT provides a remote means of mechanical closure along with thermal protection, as required by DOT MC331.
Internal valve flangedRegO A3217A & A3217DA series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia filling and/or withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and stationary storage tanks with flanged pumps or piping. Installation is quick and easy, and the valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically. Lever available on right or left side to allow for installation without the use of an extra pulley.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3217A-80G, A3217F-50, A3217A-6
RegO A3219 Series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia service on MC331 transport pressure vessels and large stationary storage tanks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in most existing tank flanges. The valve may be actuated manually or pneumatically.
RegO A3219FPA Series
The A3219FPA Pneumatic Actuator is designed especially for use with the A3219FA Series Flanged Internal Valves. The diaphragm type A3219FPA provides a convenient means of opening and closing the valve from a remote location, using either air or nitrogen, on LP-Gas and NH3 transport trailers and stationary tanks.
Internal valve Flomatic®RegO A7853A Series
RegO A7883FK Series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia liquid withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and large stationary storage containers with flanged connections. The valve is fully automatic, opening and closing as the pump is turned on or off.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A7883F-50, A7883F-80, A7883F-150
Internal valve threadedRegO A3209D & A3209DT Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia as a main valve on small capacity pumping systems, NH3 nurse tanks and in-line installations. It may also be installed in the vapor equalizing opening on bobtail delivery trucks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in both full and half couplings, as well as, in-line applications. The valve may be actuated manually by hand or cable.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3209D-50, A3209D-50T, A3209R-80
RegO A3212 Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. T
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3212R-50, A3212A-80, A3212R-N105, A3212R-N175, A3212R-N250, A3213TLHS
RegO A3213D Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. The valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3213R-50, A3213A-80, A3213D-K150, A3213D-K200, A3213D-K300, A3213D-K400, A3213TLHS
RegO A3219RT Series
Designed especially for use with Internal Valves installed in DOT MC331 pressure vessels. The A3219RT provides a remote means of mechanical closure along with thermal protection, as required by DOT MC331.
RegO A3217A & A3217DA series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia filling and/or withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and stationary storage tanks with flanged pumps or piping. Installation is quick and easy, and the valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically. Lever available on right or left side to allow for installation without the use of an extra pulley.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3217A-80G, A3217F-50, A3217A-6
RegO A3219 Series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia service on MC331 transport pressure vessels and large stationary storage tanks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in most existing tank flanges. The valve may be actuated manually or pneumatically.
RegO A3219FPA Series
The A3219FPA Pneumatic Actuator is designed especially for use with the A3219FA Series Flanged Internal Valves. The diaphragm type A3219FPA provides a convenient means of opening and closing the valve from a remote location, using either air or nitrogen, on LP-Gas and NH3 transport trailers and stationary tanks.
Internal valve Flomatic®RegO A7853A Series
RegO A7883FK Series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia liquid withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and large stationary storage containers with flanged connections. The valve is fully automatic, opening and closing as the pump is turned on or off.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A7883F-50, A7883F-80, A7883F-150
Internal valve threadedRegO A3209D & A3209DT Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia as a main valve on small capacity pumping systems, NH3 nurse tanks and in-line installations. It may also be installed in the vapor equalizing opening on bobtail delivery trucks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in both full and half couplings, as well as, in-line applications. The valve may be actuated manually by hand or cable.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3209D-50, A3209D-50T, A3209R-80
RegO A3212 Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. T
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3212R-50, A3212A-80, A3212R-N105, A3212R-N175, A3212R-N250, A3213TLHS
RegO A3213D Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. The valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3213R-50, A3213A-80, A3213D-K150, A3213D-K200, A3213D-K300, A3213D-K400, A3213TLHS
RegO A7853A Series
RegO A7883FK Series
Designed primarily for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia liquid withdrawal on MC331 bobtail delivery trucks, transports and large stationary storage containers with flanged connections. The valve is fully automatic, opening and closing as the pump is turned on or off.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A7883F-50, A7883F-80, A7883F-150
RegO A3209D & A3209DT Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia as a main valve on small capacity pumping systems, NH3 nurse tanks and in-line installations. It may also be installed in the vapor equalizing opening on bobtail delivery trucks. Installation is quick and easy, and it fits in both full and half couplings, as well as, in-line applications. The valve may be actuated manually by hand or cable.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3209D-50, A3209D-50T, A3209R-80
RegO A3212 Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. T
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3212R-50, A3212A-80, A3212R-N105, A3212R-N175, A3212R-N250, A3213TLHS
RegO A3213D Series
Designed primarily for use with LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia for liquid withdrawal; vapor transfer or vapor equalization of bobtail delivery trucks, transports, stationary storage tanks, and in-line installations. The valve may be operated manually by cable or pneumatically.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A3213R-50, A3213A-80, A3213D-K150, A3213D-K200, A3213D-K300, A3213D-K400, A3213TLHS
ACME & POL Adapters
ACME AdapterRegO 7141F & 7141M Series
These brass connectors are especially designed to join the carburetor fuel line to the service valve on lift truck cylinders. Sturdy, long lasting ACME threads allow quick, hand-tight assembly that provides for quick and simple cylinder replacement. Back checks automatically close in each connector when disconnected.
RegO 7141F & 7141M Series
These brass connectors are especially designed to join the carburetor fuel line to the service valve on lift truck cylinders. Sturdy, long lasting ACME threads allow quick, hand-tight assembly that provides for quick and simple cylinder replacement. Back checks automatically close in each connector when disconnected.
Rotogage® Assembly
1" Rotogage® Assembly® for Large Mobile and Stationary ContainersRegO A9090 Series
Rotogage® Assembly® are designed to provide an accurate determination of LP-Gas or anhydrous ammonia container contents. They mount in a standard 1" NPT coupling on large mobile or stationary containers.
RegO A9090 Series
Rotogage® Assembly® are designed to provide an accurate determination of LP-Gas or anhydrous ammonia container contents. They mount in a standard 1" NPT coupling on large mobile or stationary containers.
Pull-Away Valves
Pull-Away Valves for Transfer OperationsRegO A2141 Series
Designed especially to provide pull-away protection for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia transfer operations including transport and delivery truck loading and unloading, engine fuel container filling and miscellaneous cylinder filling operations. When properly fastened to the inlet end of the discharge hose, the valve is designed to stop gas escape from both upstream and downstream lines in the event of a pull-away. An excessive tension pull causes the valve to automatically separate, closing two internal back pressure checks. Only a few cubic centimeters of gas escape at the instant of separation.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A2141A6-50, A2141A6M, A2141A8-50, A2141A8M, A2141A10-50, A2141A10M, A2141A16-50, A2141A16M
RegO A2141 Series
Designed especially to provide pull-away protection for LP-Gas and anhydrous ammonia transfer operations including transport and delivery truck loading and unloading, engine fuel container filling and miscellaneous cylinder filling operations. When properly fastened to the inlet end of the discharge hose, the valve is designed to stop gas escape from both upstream and downstream lines in the event of a pull-away. An excessive tension pull causes the valve to automatically separate, closing two internal back pressure checks. Only a few cubic centimeters of gas escape at the instant of separation.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A2141A6-50, A2141A6M, A2141A8-50, A2141A8M, A2141A10-50, A2141A10M, A2141A16-50, A2141A16M
Emergency Shut-off Valves
ThreadedRegO VA6010 & A6010 Series
Designed for installation in liquid or vapor transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A6010-50, A6010-80, VA6010-50, A6010-80
RegO A6016 Series & A6024 Series
Designed for installation in liquid transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A6016-80, A6024-50, A6024-80
RegO VA6010 & A6010 Series
Designed for installation in liquid or vapor transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A6010-50, A6010-80, VA6010-50, A6010-80
RegO A6016 Series & A6024 Series
Designed for installation in liquid transfer lines at LP-Gas or Anhydrous Ammonia bulk plants to provide for quick shut-off of liquid or vapor flow in the event of an accidental pull-away, line break, or hose rupture.
REPAIR KIT PART NUMBER(S): A6016-80, A6024-50, A6024-80